2012 Vidya Gaem Award Winners
Most Hated Award for most hated game of the year

- 1st. Mass Effect 3
- 2nd. The War Z
- 3rd. Diablo III
- 4th. Call of Duty: Black Ops II
- 5th. Fez
- 6th. Kinect Star Wars, 7th. Resident Evil 6, 8th. Medal of Honor: Warfighter, 9th. Hitman: Absolution, 10th. Borderlands 2, 11th. Katawa Shoujo, 12th. Halo 4, 13th. Assassin's Creed III, 14th. Street Fighter x Tekken, 15th. Ninja Gaiden 3
Least Worst Award for least worst game of the year

- 1st. The Walking Dead
- 2nd. Hotline Miami
- 3rd. Sleeping Dogs
- 4th. Katawa Shoujo
- 5th. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
- 6th. Faster Than Light, 7th. Journey, 8th. Monster Girl Quest: Part 2, 9th. Persona 4: Golden, 10th. Dishonored, 11th. Max Payne 3, 12th. Kid Icarus: Uprising, 13th. Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2, 14th. Frog Fractions, 15th. Atelier Meruru
Press X To Win The Award for worst gameplay

- 1st. Katawa Shoujo
- 2nd. Mass Effect 3
- 3rd. Diablo III
- 4th. Call of Duty: Black Ops II
- 5th. Resident Evil 6
- 6th. The Walking Dead, 7th. Medal of Honor: Warfighter, 8th. Assassin's Creed III, 9th. Hitman: Absolution, 10th. Halo 4
BUZZWORD Award for best gameplay

- 1st. Hotline Miami
- 2nd. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
- 3rd. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
- 4th. Sleeping Dogs
- 5th. Dishonored
- 6th. FTL: Faster Than Light, 7th. Max Payne 3, 8th. Borderlands 2, 9th. Kid Icarus: Uprising, 10th. Katawa Shoujo
Hamburger Helper Award for most atrocious writing

- 1st. Mass Effect 3
- 2nd. Diablo III
- 3rd. Call of Duty: Black Ops II
- 4th. Borderlands 2
- 5th. Resident Evil 6
- 6th. Medal of Honor: Warfighter, 7th. Assassin's Creed III, 8th. Halo 4, 9th. Katawa Shoujo, 10th. Hitman: Absolution
Nature Of A Man Award for best writing

- 1st. The Walking Dead
- 2nd. Katawa Shoujo
- 3rd. Spec Ops: The Line
- 4th. Max Payne 3
- 5th. Sleeping Dogs
- 6th. Hotline Miami, 7th. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, 8th. Dishonored, 9th. Kid Icarus: Uprising, 10th. Borderlands 2
Not So Rehash Award for updating a series nicely

- 1st. Far Cry 3
- 2nd. Torchlight 2
- 3rd. Max Payne 3
- 4th. Borderlands 2
- 5th. Halo 4
Blunder of the Year setting a new standard for failure

- 1st. Tortanic F2P
- 2nd. The War Z
- 3rd. Mass Effect 3
- 4th. Diablo III
- 5th. Playstation Vita
- 6th. Resident Evil 6, 7th. Medal of Honor: Warfighter, 8th. Borderlands 2, 9th. Guild Wars 2, 10th. Halo 4
Hyperbole Award for best trailer

- 1st. Watch Dogs
- 2nd. Grand Theft Auto V
- 3rd. The Phantom Pain
- 4th. Dark Souls 2
- 5th. The Last Of Us
- 6th. Bioshock Infinite, 7th. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, 8th. Dishonored, 9th. Assassin's Creed III, 10th. Borderlands 2, 11th. Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale, 12th. Call of Duty: Black Ops II
Gamebryoken Award for glitchiest and/or most unoptimized game

- 1st. The War Z
- 2nd. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
- 3rd. Diablo III
- 4th. Mass Effect 3
- 5th. Planetside 2
- 6th. Assassin's Creed III, 7th. Medal of Honor: Warfighter, 8th. Guild Wars 2, 9th. Far Cry 3, 10th. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
/v/irgin Award for best new IP

- 1st. Hotline Miami
- 2nd. Dragon's Dogma
- 3rd. Sleeping Dogs
- 4th. Tokyo Jungle
- 5th. Dishonored
- 6th. FTL: Faster Than Light, 7th. Katawa Shoujo, 8th. Gravity Rush, 9th. Mark of the NInja, 10th. Lollipop Chainsaw
Kotick Award for crimes against gaming

- 1st. Tropes vs Women in Video Games
- 2nd. EA + Bioware
- 3rd. Dewritogate
- 4th. Actiblizzard
- 5th. Tameem
- 6th. /v/ga 2011, 7th. Capcom, 8th. Spike VGAs
Kong Award for best soundtrack

- 1st. Hotline Miami
- 2nd. Rhythm Heaven Fever
- 3rd. Journey
- 4th. Katawa Shoujo
- 5th. Max Payne 3
- 6th. Kid Icarus: Uprising, 7th. Gravity Rush, 8th. Dustforce, 9th. Torchlight II, 10th. Frog Fractions
STYLISH! Award for best visual aesthetics

- 1st. Journey
- 2nd. Skullgirls
- 3rd. Hotline Miami
- 4th. Dishonored
- 5th. The Walking Dead
- 6th. Far Cry 3, 7th. Borderlands 2, 8th. Dear Esther, 9th. Dustforce, 10th. Dust: An Elysian Tail
IP Twist Award for best new implementation of an old franchise

- 1st. Black Mesa
- 2nd. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
- 3rd. Spec Ops: The Line
- 4th. Kid Icarus: Uprising
- 5th. Persona 4 Arena
- 6th. Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, 7th. Double Dragon Neon, 8th. SSX
Stop It Award for raping a dead horse

- 1st. Call of Duty: Black Ops II
- 2nd. New Super Mario Bros. 2
- 3rd. Medal of Honor: Warfighter
- 4th. Halo 4
- 5th. Assassin's Creed III
- 6th. The 2012 /v/GAs
Sanic Award for fastest game

- 1st. Tribes: Ascend
- 2nd. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
- 3rd. Hotline Miami
- 4th. FTL: Faster Than Light
- 5th. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
- 6th. Need for Speed: Most Wanted, 7th. Kid Icarus: Uprising, 8th. Dustforce, 9th. SSX, 10th. Dishonored
FUCK YOU Award for worst character

- 1st. Diana Allers
- 2nd. Star Child
- 3rd. Claptrap
- 4th. Shepard
- 5th. Tiny Tina
- 6th. Connor, 7th. Ben, 8th. Halo, 9th. Cortana
Reddit Award for most hated fanbase

- 1st. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
- 2nd. reddit
- 3rd. Biodrones
- 4th. Call of Duty
- 5th. League of Legends
- 6th. Minecraft, 7th. Katawa Shoujo, 8th. Dota 2, 9th. Starcraft 2, 10th. /v/
Slender Award for worst vidya related Youtube personality(ies)

- 1st. PewDiePie
- 2nd. iJustine
- 3rd. Tobuscus
- 4th. DSPGaming
- 5th. Yogscast
- 6th. TotalBiscuit, 7th. Game Grumps
Meat & Fish Award for most pretentious indie game

- 1st. Fez
- 2nd. Dear Esther
- 3rd. Curiosity
- 4th. Slender
- 5th. Journey
- 6th. Hotline Miami
lods of emone award for biggest cashgrab

- 1st. Tropes vs Women in Video Games
- 2nd. The War Z
- 3rd. Ouya
- 4th. Call of Duty: Black Ops II
- 5th. Diablo III
- 6th. Mass Effect 3, 7th. Halo 4
Malignance Award for most detrimental force to vidya

- 1st. Corrupt Journalism
- 2nd. Low Standards
- 3rd. DLC
- 4th. Misguided Advocacy
- 5th. Corporations
- 6th. Gurl Gamurs, 7th. Crowd Sourced Funding, 8th. High Standards
Aerith Dies Award for biggest feels

- 1st. The Walking Dead
- 2nd. Katawa Shoujo
- 3rd. Spec Ops: The Line
- 4th. Journey
- 5th. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
- 6th. Dear Esther, 7th. Mass Effect 3
Nighthood Award for the worst part of the 2011 /v/GAs

- 1st. Reddit Influence
- 3rd. Portal 2 and Bastion
- 4th. Valve Dicksucking
- 5th. Unfunny Skits
- 6th. The Best Gamers
Detailed Results
The results shown above are the same as those shown during the show and are based only on the votes from /v/. For more details, including vote counts and votes that we filtered out, see the detailed results and pairwise comparison pages.